About The Issachar Project

The Bible says the sons of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel was to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). The Issachar Project was born by a network of men with shared global vision and a desire to help prepare the Church for impact in this chaotic hour. 

What is God doing now? We believe God is breaking the yoke off nations, regions, cities and homes in order for the Church to experience global harvest. What should we do? We must equip and deploy every believer into the harvest fields — the time is now!


The Issachar Project is dedicated to seeing laborers enter the harvest at this most critical hour for the Church. The equipping concepts are applicable in any context — whether you are a district leader desiring to add preaching points and plant churches or a Pastor desiring to grow the local assembly. The Issachar Project prepares and plans for kingdom expansion. 


The plan includes four primary areas:


Equipping families for Kingdom advancement.


Equipping pastors in crafting a healthy and sustainable operating organization.


Equipping pastors and saints to partner with God in spiritual warfare, the gifts of the Spirit, and personal evangelism for kingdom expansion.


Equipping and encouraging ALL saints in teaching Bible studies and discipleship.


The Issachar Project is a multi-work effort designed to introduce important concepts to pastors and church leaders through weekly Zoom calls. The training map outlines the 8-week model.

In the rare event of unforeseen circumstances, another qualified teacher may be substituted.

Following the 8-week training process, the Issachar Team provides monthly follow-up calls for three months, and then one call per quarter for the following six months. These calls continue momentum in learning and implementing the principles taught, as well as answering any questions as these principles are utilized.